The SAS Halo Theater operates across the entire Halo Theater of War. Our operations cover Halo Infinite. We are the premier Military Intelligence Network on Halo. We have conducted large-scale operations on Halo since 2011. And we have run many small-scale operations since 2009. We take pride in our Military structure and issue OPORDERS down to our squads weekly and conduct several operations every week. Every member of the SAS_Network receives a class based on ATP 3-21.8, and senior leaders in SAS receive courses similar to the US Army Senior Leaders course for SNCOS. Because we are the strongest Military Intelligence Network on Halo we deploy 68% of our units into our Military Intelligence branch, 10% into our Special Forces branch, 21% into our Infantry branch, and the remaining 1% of SAS Members are general support personnel and staff. If you are interested in operating with a professional Military Clan on Halo, join the SAS Network today!
As the SASGamingClans largest theater, the SAS_Network has the largest percentage of currently serving or prior service military players (currently 12.5% of players in the SAS_Network have served or are currently serving their nation's military). Because of this, the SAS_Network has been structured as a scaled version of a US ARMY BRIGADE. This allows veterans to easily convert the tactics and structure they know well to the SAS_Network by following the below guidelines...
SAS Enlisted responsibilities are shifted down one rank. Example (SAS SSG's are PSG's instead of SFC's) and (SAS SFC's are 1SGT's instead of MSG's or 1SGT's).
SAS Officer responsibilities are shifted down two ranks. Example (SAS 2LT's are CC's instead of CPT's) and (SAS CPT's are BN CO instead of LTC's).
SAS Units tend to be about 70% SMALLER than traditional military structures. Example (SAS Fireteams are 2-3 men instead of 4-5 men) and (SAS Squads are 4-6 men instead of 8-12).
SAS Enlisted responsibilities are shifted down one rank. Example (SAS SSG's are PSG's instead of SFC's) and (SAS SFC's are 1SGT's instead of MSG's or 1SGT's).
SAS Officer responsibilities are shifted down two ranks. Example (SAS 2LT's are CC's instead of CPT's) and (SAS CPT's are BN CO instead of LTC's).
SAS Units tend to be about 70% SMALLER than traditional military structures. Example (SAS Fireteams are 2-3 men instead of 4-5 men) and (SAS Squads are 4-6 men instead of 8-12).